Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Scope: NextGen POS application
Level: user goal
Primary Actor: cashier
Stakeholders and Interests:
- Cashier: Wants accurate and fast entry with no payment errors.
- Customer: Wants purchase with minimal effort.
- Manager: Wants ability to quickly override operations.
- Company: Wants accurate records.
Preconditions: cashier is authenticated.
Success guarantee (or post-conditions): Sale is saved. Tax is correctly
recorded. Accounting and inventory are updated. Commissions are recorded.
Receipt is generated. Payment authorization approvals are recorded.
Main Success Scenario:
1. Customer arrives at POS with goods.
2. Cashier starts new sale.
3. Cashier enters identifier.
4. System records line item and presents description, price and running
5. System presents total with taxes.
6. Customer pays and system handles transactions.
7. Receipt presented.
8. System logs sale to inventory and accounting systems.
9. Customer leaves with receipt and goods (if tangible).
1. Manager override is possible at all times.
2. Cash transactions are calculated from received payment, payment is
collected and stored securely, and change is calculated and presented
Special requirements:
Touch screen UI.
Credit response within 30 seconds, 90% of the time.
Open Issues:
Tax law variations?
How are cashier transaction drawer disputes handled/resolved/avoided?
What customization is needed for different kinds of businesses?
Fig. 13.8
An abbreviated fully dressed use case adapted from Larman ( 2005 )
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