Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
The mitigation of the effects of induced seismicity is in some instances clearly
necessary to maintain or to restore public acceptance of the geothermal power
generation activities. The early use of a “best practices” protocol and a “traffic light”
control system indicates that such measures can provide an effective means to con-
trol operations so that the intensity of the induced seismicity is within acceptable
levels. Further information on implementation of a protocol and control system is
outlined under the final section in this chapter, Best Practices.
g aps
Suitable coupled reservoir fluid flow and geomechanical simulation codes are not
currently available to understand the processes underlying the occurrence of seis-
micity after geothermal wells have been shut in (ceased operation).
Field operators currently do not have ready access to downhole temperature and
pressure recording instruments capable of making accurate measurements where
reservoir conditions reach 750°F.
p roposed a ctions
Adopt and use a matrix-style “best practices” protocol by developers as outlined
in Chapter 6: Such a protocol is appropriate to use in those cases where there is a
known probability of inducing seismicity at levels that could pose a concern to the
public. In those cases where induced seismicity occurs but was previously unantici-
pated, the developer should consider adopting the protocol procedures needed to
complete the project in a manner more satisfactory to the public.
Fully disclose and discuss a “traffic light” system in a public forum prior to the start
of operations when such a system is to be adopted or imposed. Such disclosure and
discussion will ensure that these safeguards are clearly known and understood by
all concerned.
Conventional Oil and Gas Development Including Oil and Gas Withdrawal,
Secondary Recovery, and Enhanced Oil Recovery
F indings
Generally, withdrawal associated with conventional oil and gas recovery has not
caused significant seismic events; however, several major earthquakes have been
associated with conventional oil and gas withdrawal.
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