Geoscience Reference
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in an energy development project has different goals and expectations. Mutual
understanding of other groups' goals and expectations is fundamental to developing
strong and constructive communication. Transparency regarding these goals and
expectations is important to their management.
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Majer, E.L., R. Baria, M. Stark, S. Oates, J. Bonner, B. Smith, and H. Asanuma. 2007. Induced seismicity associated with
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Majer, E.L., J. Nelson, A. Robertson-Tait, J. Savy, and I. Wong. 2012. Protocol for Addressing Induced Seismicity Associated
with Enhanced Geothermal Systems. DOE/EE-0662. U.S. Department of Energy. Available at
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Zoback, M.D. 2012 (April 2). Managing the seismic risk posed by wastewater disposal. Earth Magazine 38-43. Available at (accessed April 2012).
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