Hardware Reference
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The Mac FileVault
The easiest way to encrypt fi les and folders on a Linux system is via the command-line
interface like this:
openssl des3 -salt -in originalfile.txt -out encryptedfile.txt
To decrypt, use a command like this:
openssl des3 -d -salt -in encryptedfile.txt -out unencryptedfile.txt
Parental Controls
Parental controls restrict certain activities or prevent the display of certain web content.
Adults who are responsible for children's computer usage typically use these restrictions to
prevent children from being exposed to adult content.
Each OS has its own version of parental controls, and you can also buy third-party add-
on programs that have parental control features.
With Windows 7 parental controls, you can work with the following:
Time Limits You can control when children are allowed to log on to the computer. You
can set when children can and can't log in, and you can set different logon hours for every
day of the week. If they're logged on when their allotted time ends, they'll automatically be
logged off.
Games You can control access to games, choose an age-rating level, choose the types
of content you want to block, and decide whether you want to allow or block unrated or
specifi c games.
Allow or Block Specific Programs
You can prevent children from running programs that
you don't want them to run.
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