Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
( B )
( A )
Figure 6.19 Improvement in loose, folded tissue of photodamaged lower-eyelid skin usually occurs primarily from collagen tightening. ( A ) Before therapy;
( B ) 4 months after CO 2 laser resurfacing.
( A )
( B )
Figure 6.20 Atrophic acne scars may respond dramatically to a single treatment with CO 2 laser by using collagen tightening selectively and artfully to elevate scars.
( A ) Before treatment; ( B ) 4 months after CO 2 laser resurfacing.
Multipulse Coagulation
The most effi cient fl uences for vaporizing the epidermis have
been shown to be in the range of 5-19 J/cm 2 . Single-pulse
vaporization generally uses fl uences of about 7 J/cm 2 . How-
ever, when one pulse is stacked on top of another without suf-
fi cient tissue cooling time, additive thermal effects occur.
When using the CPG with the UltraPulse laser, a density of 9
results in as high an energy density as 60 J/cm 2 to be delivered
to the tissue. It has been clinically observed that after making
three or four passes with the UltraPulse laser using CPG densi-
ties of 4-6, nothing visible appears to occur to the tissue. Nei-
ther the depth of vaporization nor the thermal injury appears
to be increasing. Biopsy studies confi rm this impression as
long as single-pulse vaporization is being used (100).
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