Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
tiple options, there are two with special importance for 3D: Rows , where
we can define a number of rows with a height distance, and Levels also
with a variation in height.
Other entities and commands
No one can use AutoCAD without inquiring for information from time-to-time. The
DIST command allows you to obtain the 3D distance, and also increments in X, Y,
and Z directions, between two points. Another important command is ID (or from the
Tools menu bar, Inquiry | ID Point ), for inquiring about the absolute coordinates of
Blocks work exactly the same way in 2D or 3D. When inserting a block with non-uni-
form scale, we can specify a different scale for the Z direction.
Regions are 2D opaque closed objects that are frequently used in 3D. Besides 3D,
they can be very useful for extracting areas, inertia moments, and other geometric
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