Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The 3D command
The 3D command allows you to create polyface meshes corresponding to basic
volume shapes, such as boxes, wedges, pyramids, meshes, torus, cones, spheres,
and hemispheres.
This command is defined by an AutoLISP program, called 3D.LSP . Since Ver-
sion 2012, this program is not included, but it is easy to find it in previous versions
or over the Internet and load it into AutoCAD.
Editing polyface meshes
The STRETCH command is a great tool to modify polyface meshes. It's as easy as
selecting vertices with crossing mode and moving them to a new position.
The PEDIT command, when selecting a polyface mesh obtained with 3DMESH , 3D ,
RULESURF , TABSURF , REVSURF , and EDGESURF commands, has specific options:
Edit vertex : This allows editing vertices, basically by selecting one and
moving it (it is easier with the STRETCH command)
Smooth surface : This smoothes the polyface mesh
Desmooth : This cancels the effect of the Smooth option
Mclose / Mopen : This closes or opens the mesh in the M direction
Nclose / Nopen : This closes or opens the mesh in the N direction
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