Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
We define the number of vertices in the first direction:
Enter size of mesh in M direction: 2
Then we define the number of vertices in the second direction:
Enter size of mesh in N direction: 4
Finally, we define each vertex location:
Specify location for vertex (0, 0): Point
Specify location for vertex (0, 1): Point
Specify location for vertex (0, 2): Point
Specify location for vertex (0, 3): Point
Specify location for vertex (1, 0): Point
Specify location for vertex (1, 1): Point
Specify location for vertex (1, 2): Point
Specify location for vertex (1, 3): Point
The PFACE command
The PFACE command (no alias) creates polyface meshes composed by faces that
can have more than four edges. The command starts by prompting for the location
of all vertices and then prompts for the vertices that belong to face 1, face 2, and so
on. When specifying a new face, this can have a different color or layer.
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