Graphics Programs Reference
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Command: MESH
Current smoothness level is set to: 0
Enter an option [Box/Cone/CYlinder/Pyramid/
Sphere/Wedge/Torus/SEttings] <Wedge>: Option
The options for this command are similar to the primitive solids:
Box : This option creates a mesh with a box. By default it prompts for the
first corner, the opposite corner, and height.
Cone : This option creates a mesh with a cone. By default it prompts for
center of base, base radius, and height.
CYlinder : This option creates a mesh with a cylinder. By default it
prompts for center of base, base radius, and height.
Pyramid : This option creates a mesh with a pyramid. By default it
prompts for center of base, base radius of circumscribed square, and
Sphere : This option creates a mesh with a sphere. By default it prompts
for center and radius.
Wedge : This option creates a mesh with a wedge (box cut in diagonal).
By default it prompts for the first corner, the opposite corner, and height.
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