Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The MATERIALASSIGN command (no alias) allows assigning the material defined in
the CMATERIAL variable to selected objects. The command just prompts for object
If specifying a material in the PROPERTIES palette without any selected object, we
are defining a default material for new objects, whose interest is minimal.
Exercise 11.1
To the mechanical assembly drawing used in the documentation chapter, we are go-
ing to pick some materials and assign them by layer:
1. Open the drawing A3D_11_01.DWG , which includes a bearing. The light-
ing is already set up to photometric, with sunlight and skylight.
2. First, verify if the model unit is correct. Applying the UNITS command, we
confirm that the unit is in millimeter.
3. With the MATBROWSEROPEN command (alias MAT ), pick the required ma-
terials. In the Metal category of Autodesk Library, double-click on mater-
ials, such as Steel , Steel-Cast , Machined 02 , and Semi-Polished . To
the table, select, under the Stone category, Green Polished .
4. Applying the MATERIALATTACH command, assign Steel-Cast to bot-
tompart layer, Steel to toppart , Semi-Polished to screw , Machined 02
to nut , and Green Polished to table . Each material is dragged over the
layer name.
5. Rendering the drawing (the RENDER command), see all applied materials,
including the one applied to the table.
6. Save the drawing with the name A3D_11_01final.DWG .
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