Graphics Programs Reference
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Attenuation/filterColor/eXit] <eXit>: Enter or
The options for this command are as follows; most are the same as those for point
Name : This allows us to give a name to the light.
Intensity factor : This allows us to specify an intensity or brightness, with
a value starting from zero.
Status : This allows us to turn the light on or off.
Photometry : This option is only available with photometric lighting and
allows us to specify the intensity and color in lighting units, such as can-
dela, lux, or foot-candle. Color allows us to specify the color of the light
based on a name or temperature in Kelvins.
Hotspot : This specifies the cone angle of constant intensity, with a value
ranging from 0 degrees to 160 degrees.
Falloff : This specifies the total cone angle, including fading intensity, with
a value ranging from 0 degrees to 160 degrees. It is never less than the
Hotspot value. Outside this cone angle, there will be no light.
shadoW : This allows us to turn the shadows' projection on or off and se-
lect its type to be sharp or soft.
Attenuation : With generic lighting, it allows defining attenuation with dis-
tance for the light. The attenuation Type option controls if there is no
attenuation ( None ), if it's linear ( Inverse linear ), or quadratic ( Inverse
Squared ). With Use limits , we define two distances for starting and for
ending. With photometric lighting, attenuation is set to Inverse Squared
and cannot be modified.
filterColor : This controls light color, allowing us to choose between a true
color (red, green, and blue values, separated by commas), an AutoCAD
color, or a color topic
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