Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
EXPORTLAYOUT : This command has been available since Version 2009,
it is not exclusive to associative views, but can be very useful if we want
to make nonassociative changes. The command exports the active lay-
out to the model space of a new drawing.
VIEWSYMBOLSKETCH : This command allows defining a connection
between the section lines or boundary detail lines to the model geometry.
If the model is modified, these lines will adjust accordingly.
VIEWSKETCHCLOSE : This command ends the connection defined with
the previous command.
Exercise 9.4
In the model coming from the previous exercises, we will create several associative
1. Open the drawing A3D_09_4.DWG .
2. As associative views are to be used on layouts, first we must configure
a layout to be used. Use Layout1 and rename it to AssocViews . If a
viewport is displayed, delete it. With PAGESETUP , configure the following:
Printer/plotter as DWG to PDF and Paper size as ISO full bleed A3
(420.00 x 297.00 MM) . As this assembly is in mm, there is no need to
change scale.
3. Apply the VIEWBASE command and press the Enter key to specify Model
space . Pick on the top part of the layout and press the Enter key to ac-
cept options. By default, the command is followed by projected views, so
specify top, left, right, and one perspective view.
4. Adjust views positions. To decrease line-type scale, assign 1 to LTSCALE :
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