Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Command: SECTION
Select objects: Selection
By default, the section plane is defined by three points:
Specify first point on Section plane by [Object/
Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] <3points>: Point
Specify second point on plane: Point
Specify third point on plane: Point
The other options are:
Object : The section plane is defined by a planar object to be selected,
such as a circle, an ellipse, an arc, a 2D spline, or a 2D polyline
Zaxis : The section plane is defined by a point on that plane and a second
point that specifies the normal to the plane
View : The section plane is parallel to the current view that passes through
a point to be specified
XY/YZ/ZX : The section plane is parallel to the XY, YZ, or ZX plane that
passes through a point to be specified
Exercise 9.2
With the same model, we are going to create some sections:
1. Open the drawing A3D_09_2.DWG .
2. The sections should be on a proper layer, so create a SECTIONS layer
and make it the current layer.
3. With the SECTION command create a section parallel to the ZX plane that
passes through the middle of the assembly. The command creates four
regions overlapping the geometry.
4. Move aside the four regions that are created.
5. Again with the SECTION command, create a section parallel to XY plane
that passes through the center of the bolt, and move the four new regions
to the side:
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