Graphics Programs Reference
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3. With the shortcut menu on this tab, choose the Modify option in the
Page Setup manager. In printer/plotter select DWG to PDF.pc3 ; Paper
size, ISO full bleed A3 (420.00 x 297.00 MM) ; plot style tale, mono-
chrome.ctb ; and check the option Display plot styles . Press OK and
Close .
4. If there is already a viewport, delete it. We create and activate a layer
called Viewports , with the No plot property.
5. With the MVIEW command, create one rectangular viewport and copy it
three times. Then, create a circle and, with the MVIEW command's Object
option, define a viewport delimited by the circle:
6. Now, we are going to define what to see inside each viewport. Double-
click inside the top-left one, change the visual style to 2D Wireframe , and
specify a Front view (for instance, with the ViewCube tool).
7. Activate the top-right viewport with a single click, change the visual style
to 2D Wireframe , and specify a Left view. To the lower-left viewport, ap-
ply the same visual style and specify a Top view. To the lower-right view-
port, again, apply the same visual style, but maintain a perspective view.
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