Graphics Programs Reference
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Enter an option [Distance/Radius/Angle/ARea/
Volume] <Distance>: Option
This command has the following options:
Distance : This option works exactly the same way as the DIST com-
mand, which was presented before.
Radius : This option prompts for the selection of an arc, a circle, or a cir-
cular edge and displays its radius and diameter.
Angle : This option simulates the DIMANGULAR command, that is, it
prompts for the selection of an arc, circle, line, or vertex and returns the
angle. We can also select straight or circular edges.
ARea : This option works exactly the same way as the AREA command.
Volume : This option allows us to obtain volumes, similar to the ARea op-
tion. Volumes can be specified by a sequence of points (first the base
perimeter and then the height) and an object selection. Additional options
allow adding or subtracting volumes.
As the AREA command (alias AA ), the ARea option of the MEASUREGEOM com-
mand allows us to obtain the surface area of solids and surfaces.
Exercise 8.1
We are going to obtain some information about a 3D model.
1. We open the drawing A3D_08_01.DWG .
2. Applying the ID command, we obtain the coordinates of points A, B, C,
and D:
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