Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
In this version, the command has some weaknesses as it doesn't allow the spe-
cifying of points by coordinates.
Projecting linear objects
These two commands allow creating edges on solids or surfaces.
The PROJECTGEOMETRY command (no alias), available since Version 2011, allows
you to project points and linear objects on solids and surfaces. This projection
may cut the solid or surface. The command starts by displaying the value of the
SURFACEAUTOTRIM variable and prompts for the selection of curves or points to a
SurfaceAutoTrim = 0
Select curves, points to be projected or
[PROjection direction]: Selection
After the selection of objects to be projected, we select one solid, surface, or region:
Select a solid, surface, or region for the
target of the projection: Selection
Finally, we specify the projection direction between the viewing direction, the current
UCS, or by marking two points:
Specify the projection direction [View/Ucs/
Points] <View>: Option
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