Graphics Programs Reference
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11. Make the roof hollow with SOLIDEDIT and the Body / Shell option. After
selecting the roof, remove the bottom face and press Enter .
12. Move the roof and slab back to its position, that is, a displacement of 40
along the negative X axis.
13. The other slabs are shorter, so create one copy of the existing slab,
shorten it by offsetting the vertical faces, and create the remaining copies.
Now, copy the slab 3 units along the Z direction.
14. Isolate this slab (select it, right-click and choose Isolate | Isolate Ob-
jects ). Then apply SOLIDEDIT and the Face / Offset option, offset all the
slab vertical faces with the value -0.3 . End isolation.
15. Finally, copy this slab seven more times with the same distance, 3 , along
the Z direction. This is the easiest way to apply the COPY command, Ar-
ray option, eight elements, and distance 3 .
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