Graphics Programs Reference
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The FILLETEDGE command
The FILLETEDGE command (no alias) is available since Version 2011 and repres-
ents a dynamic way for filleting edges. There is an icon for this command on the
Solid Editing toolbar and ribbon, Solid | Solid Editing . This command cannot be
applied to surfaces and does not allow the application of a different radius within the
same command.
The command displays the current default radius and prompts for an edge selection,
which is repeated until Enter is pressed. A preview is applied to the model:
Radius = Default
Select an edge or [Chain/Loop/Radius]: Selection
Select an edge or [Chain/Loop/Radius]: Selection
2 edge(s) selected for fillet.
The solid is displayed transparently. We press Enter to accept the default radius, ap-
ply the Radius option, or click-and-drag the small triangular grip to dynamically spe-
cify the radius:
Press Enter to accept the fillet or [Radius]:
Grip dragging
>>Specify radius or [eXit]:
Finally, we press Enter to end the command:
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