Graphics Programs Reference
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Editing with grips
If we select a solid or a surface without a command, grips are displayed depending
on the type of object. Grips are the small blue squares (blue by default) that allow us
to perform several editing operations.
On activating a grip, it turns red (by default) and we can move it elsewhere, thus chan-
ging the object. Let's see some examples:
Box : Activating one of the arrow grips, this allows us to adjust the length,
width, and height; activating one of the square grips, it allows to change
simultaneously length and width.
Pyramid : In addition to the box grips, we can control the top radius.
Extruded solid : We can change the source linear object as well as the
height of extrusion.
Planesurf : With grips, it is only possible to move the surface.
Surfaces obtained from linear objects : We can adjust surfaces by mov-
ing any of the grips coming from the source linear objects. Additionally,
with extruded surfaces it is always possible to adjust the height of extru-
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