Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Specify the distance between rows
(---): Value
6. Specify the distance between the columns along X:
Specify the distance between columns
(|||): Value
7. Again, specify the distance between columns along X:
Specify the distance between levels
(...): Value
8. If we want to place multiple copies equally spaced around an axis, after
selecting objects, choose Polar :
Command: 3DARRAY
Select objects: Selection
Enter the type of array [Rectangular/
Polar] <R>: Polar
9. Specify how many sets of the selected objects we want, including the ori-
ginal set:
Enter the number of items in the array:
10. The angle to fill is done next. A positive angle value creates the copies
counter clockwise and a negative value creates the same but clockwise:
Specify the angle to fill (+=ccw, -=cw)
<360>: Value
11. As the sets are being placed around an axis, choose between rotating
them or not. By default, the sets are rotated:
Rotate arrayed objects? [Yes/No] <Y>:
Yes or No
12. Finally, specify the axis of the polar array by two points:
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