Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Object : The mirror plane is defined by the plane of a planar object to be
Last : This option applies the same mirror plane used in the previous
MIRROR3D command
Z axis : The mirror plane is defined by a point and its Z direction; it is use-
ful when we want a plane to be perpendicular to some direction
View : This option defines a mirror plane perpendicular to the viewing dir-
ection through a point to be prompted
XY / YZ / ZX : The mirror plane is defined by a plane parallel to the XY, YZ,
or ZX axis of the current user coordinate system that passes through a
point to be prompted
This command is also included in the external application GEOM3D.ARX (versions
prior to 2013) or GEOM3D.CRX . If this command stops working by giving informa-
tion to the Unknown command, we must find the respective application and load
it with the APPLOAD command.
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