Graphics Programs Reference
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When we need a solid or surface whose section is rotated around an axis, the next
command should be applied.
The REVOLVE command
The REVOLVE command (alias REV ) creates a solid or surface by rotating a linear or
planar object around an axis. It starts by showing the same information and prompts
for the selection of sections, as seen with EXTRUDE . We can select any planar object.
If an object is not closed or if the MOde option is set to Surface , a surface is created:
Command: REVOLVE
Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4, Closed
profiles creation mode = Solid
Select objects to revolve or [MOde]: Selection
We must then define the axis of revolution. By default, we can pick two points that
define this axis, but other options are available as well. In the order we select, the
points specify the positive angle direction by the right-hand rule.
Specify axis start point or define axis by
[Object/X/Y/Z] <Object>: Point
Specify axis endpoint: Point
Finally, type the angle of revolution, which is the default value. By typing a negative
value, the angle is measured in the opposite direction.
Specify angle of revolution or [STart angle/
Reverse/EXpression] <360>: Value
The result of the previous code snippet is shown in the following screenshot:
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