Geology Reference
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any other is 0.676 between the Usambaras and
the North Pares. These results are discussed in
greater detail later in this chapter.
6. The Central East African Mountains. This
Montane Forest Group is broadly equivalent to
Moreau's (1966) Kenya Group. All the Kenyan
highlands fall into this Group, exceping the Taita
Hills (and presumably Kasigau), but including
Mount Elgon and the montane elements in the
Kakamenga/Nandi area. The lmatong Mountains
in southen Sudan form the northwesten limit of
the Group, and so the intervening mountains in
northeasten Uganda (not considered in this
analysis) probably belong here also. The southen
limits of the Group are in northen Tanzania,
south to the Crater Highlands (presumably also
including the Mbulu Highlands and Mount
Hanang to the south) and the North and South
Pare Mountains. The subdivisions within the
Central East African Montane Forest Group are
interesing. Rather than corresponding to the
easten and westen sides of the rift valley, there
are two different groupings. One is a northwest
subgroup, consising of Mount Kenya, the
Aberdare Mountains, Mau, Mount Elgon and
Kakamenga/Nandi. The other is a southeast sub-
group, consising of the North and South Pare
Mountains, Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru,
the Crater Highlands and the Nguruman Hills. A
closer examinaion of disribuion pattens reveals
the reason for this patten. The northwest sub-
group has a preponderence of species derived
from the Alberine Rift Montane Forest Group,
whereas the southeast subgroup is dominated by
species characterisic of the Easten Coast
Escarpment Montane Forest Group. The Central
East African Montane Forest Group has very few
unique endemics. This Group is best considered
a zone of overlap between the Alberine Rift and
Easten Coast Escarpment cenres of endemism.
The Group shows increasing similariies to the
Alberine Rift on the Mount Elgon side, and to
the East Coast Escarpment on the Pare Moun-
tains side. The lmatong Mountains form a third
subgroup within the Central East African moun-
tains. This must be attributable, in part, to their
relaive isolaion, and possibly also to their posi-
ion as an 'access point' to the Ethiopian High-
lands (see above).
7. Southen Malawi. These mountains (Mulanje
and Thyolo) are included by Moreau (1966) in his
TanzaniaMalawi Montane Forest Group, and by
Dowsett (1971) in a Southeasten Montane For-
est Group, which also includes the mountains
south of the Zambezi River. This analysis shows
the mountains of southen Malawi to form a small
Montane Forest Group of their own (see Figure
10.1), which presumably also includes most of the
poorly studied mountains of northen Mozam-
bique, notably Chiperone and Namuli. The
highest Q, between any orest in the Southen
Malawi Montane Forest Group, and any oher
forest is 0.682, between Mount Mulanje and,
curiously, the South Pare Mountains.
8. South of the Zambezi. This corresponds exac-
tly to Moreau's Group of the same name. The
forest avifaunas considered in this analysis are all
very similar to each other, though greater dif-
ferences might be epected if the more depauper-
ate South African forests are included. The
highest Q, between any orest in his Group and
any other is 0.667 between the lnyanga Highlands
on the Zimbabwe/Mozambique border, and
Mount Thyolo.
9. Some anomalies. In addiion to the Angolan
forests discussed above, there are three other for-
ests included in this analysis which cannot be pla-
ced in any Montane Forest Group. These are also
isolated, species-poor forests with unusual spe-
cies combinaions (analogous to the Angolan or-
ests). Doubtless other such anomalies must eist,
for instance in northen Somalia, and the
Marungu Highlands in southeasten Zare, but
these are not considered in this chapter. The
three anomalies idenified in this analysis are:
(a) Taita Hills. Treated by Moreau (1966) as
part of the Tanzania/Malawi Group, but
in fact dissimilar to all other forests (its
highest Q, is 0.649 with South Pare).
(b) Mahale Mountain. Though considered by
Moreau (1966) and Prigogine (1985) as
part of the Alberine Rift Group, with
which it undoubtedly has some links, it is
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