Geology Reference
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Abyssinia, a faunisic study. Transations of the Royal
Entomological Sociey of London 83, 313-447.
COE, M. J. (1967). Th e Ecoloy of theAlpine Zone of
Mount Kenya. The Hague: Junk.
CONDAMIN, M. (1973). Monographie du genre
Biylus (Lepidoptera, Satyridae). Mmoires de
l'Institut onamental dAfrique No ire No. 88, Dakar:
CROWE, T. M. & CROWE, A. A. (1982). Pattens of
distribution, diversiy and endemism in Afroropical
birds. Jounal of Zooloy (L ondon) 198, 417-42.
D'ABRERA, B. (1980). Buttelies of the Af rotropical
Region. Melbourne: Lansdowne Editions.
DE JONG, R. (1976). Affinities between the West
Palaearcic and Ethiopian butterfly faunas.
Tjds chrt voor Entomologie 1 19, 165-215.
DE JONG, R. (1978). Monograph ofthe genus Sp ialia
Swinhoe (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). Tjdschii voor
Entomologie 121, 23-146.
DE JONG, R. (1982). Secondary sexual characters in
Celaenorrhinus and the delimitaion of the genus
(Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). Jounal of Na tural
Histoy 16, 695-705.
DEJONG, R. (1986). Systematics, phylogeny and
biogeography of the chiefly Afromontane genus
Chondrolpis Mabille (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae).
Zoologische Verhandelingen (Leiden) 231, 1-40.
DESCIMON, H. (1986). Origins oflepidopteran
faunas in the High Andes. In High Altitude Trpical
Biogeography, ed. F. Villeumier and M. Monasterio,
pp. 50--32. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
DIAMOND, A. W. & HAMILTON, A. C. (1980). The
disribuion of forest passerine birds and
Quaternary climatic change in tropical Africa.
Jo unal of Zooloy London) 191, 379-402.
DICKSON, C. G. C. (1978). Penningtons Buttelies of
Southen Afica. Johannesburg: Ad. Donker.
GIFFORD, D. (1965). A List of the Buttelies of
Malawi. Blanyre: The Society of Malawi.
HAMILTON, A. c. (1981). The Quatenary history of
African foress: its relevance to conservation.
Afican Jounal of Ecoloy 19, 1-6.
HAMILTON, A. C. (1982). Environmental Histoy of
East Afica . London: Academic Press.
HAMILTON, A. C. (1989). African forests. In Tropical
Rain Forest Ecosystems. Ecosystems of the Wo rld, Vol.
14B, ed. H. Lieth and M. J. A. Werger, pp. 155-
82. New York: Elsevier.
HANCOCK, D. L. (1983). Classiicaion of the
Papilionidae (Lepidoptera): a phylogenetic
approach. Smithersia 2, 1-48.
HANCOCK, D. L. (1984). The Prineps nireus group
Africa is ascribed to dispersal from the east. Most
montane forest species in the Eastern Afrotropics
evolved from other species in the same general
area but with a different habitat preference, while
a small proportion arose by further differeniaion
of montane forest species in the Easten
Afrotropics. It implies that for the development of
the montane grassland fauna and paricularly for
the montane forest fauna, paraparic speciaion
(or maybe sympatric speciaion) has been of
paramount importance, allopatric speciaion (i.e.
by geographic isolation) playing only a minor role.
Evidence for vicariance events is very weak. If the
montane forests were ever more coherent than
today, the races have been wiped out, at least in
the butterflies.
The ideas put forward here must await further
support (or rejecion) from phylogeneic studies,
which are badly needed for most of the butterflies
ACKERY, P. R. & VANE-WRIGHT, R. I. (1984).
Milkweed Buttelies. London: Briish Museum
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BERGER, L. A. (1981). Les Papillons du Zaire.
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Pontia Fabr. Miscell. Ent. 4, 65-80.
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Nymphalidae et Danaidae. Bulletin de l'lnstitut
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Gfoeralites. Compte rendu es seances e la Sodete e
Biogeoraphie 479, 5-28.
BERNARDI, G. (1980). Contribution a la
biogeographie des montagnes africaines: II. Le
genre Jssoia Hubner (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae).
Compte rendu es seances de la Sodete de Biogeographie
487, 189-99.
CARCASSON, R. H. (1964). A preliminary survey of
the zoogeography ofthe African butterflies. East
Afican Wildle Jo unal 2, 122-57.
CARCASSON, R. H. (1981). Collins Handguie to the
Buttelies of Africa. London: Collins.
CARPENTER, G. D. H. (1935). The Rhopalocera of
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