Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
If you plant green-growing vines and they have more than one strong shoot, cut
off the other shoots at planting time to encourage development of a single trunk.
I like to water every day for the first six weeks, then back off to every other day for
three weeks, then every third day for the rest of the first year. Use your judgment mak-
ing sure that the weather is warm enough to dry out the ground around the drippers so the
plants' roots are not always in wet soil. If you have a tensiometer, use it to ensure that the
soil is not oversaturated. It is not necessary to water after the plants have become dormant.
Continue to check that the drippers are working and that all the wires are secure. Make
sure that all mid-posts and stakes are upright. If you need to correct the position of a stake,
now is the time to do it, before the vine roots have spread.
Keep an eye on weeds, especially those that are growing up around the young vines,
including inside the grow tubes. Pull them by hand to avoid damaging the vine roots.
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