Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
→ Nitrogen (N) ensures overall structure and metabolism; promotes green growth.
→ Phosphorus (P) promotes flowering and strong structures (roots and trunk).
→ Potassium (K) promotes flowering, fruit production, and general health.
→ Boron ensures sugar and generalized metabolic movement.
→ Calcium supports leaf and root growth. Acid soils (low pH) may be low in calcium.
So-called calcareous soils are high in calcium carbonate and are alkaline (high pH).
→ Copper supports chlorophyll synthesis, leaf growth, and lignin formation.
→ Iron promotes chlorophyll formation. Lack of iron can lead to chlorosis, which is
evidenced by lack of color in the leaves.
→ Molybdenum helps in conversion of nitrates and nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the
→ Magnesium supports chlorophyll formation. Deficiencies sometimes found in
sandy soils.
→ Manganese is involved in synthesis of chlorophyll and metabolism of nitrogen.
→ Sulfur promotes amino acid and chlorophyll formation. Lack of sulfur can also
show as chlorosis.
→ Zinc supports flowering and fruit set. Lack of zinc can also lead to small leaves
(“little leaf disease”).
Soil type and structure do have an impact on grape vine nutrition and management of
these nutrients. Also, the pH of the soil has an influence on nutrients in the soil and the
environment around the roots. pH levels that are too high or too low can restrict the plants'
ability to absorb nutrients, even if those nutrients are present in the soil. That's why a soil
test for agricultural values and deficiencies is preferable before planting.
Your local extension service or agriculture office may provide soil testing, or you can
use a commercial service. Complete instructions for the soil test will be provided by the
testing service. Normally you will have to take a number of samples from different areas of
the proposed vineyard.
Soil Testing
A typical report will tell you:
→ Your soil type: clay, loam, or sand.
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