Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Manure and compost are great amendments for building soil structure and fer-
tility. If you get fresh manure from any source, be sure to compost or age it before
application. Also make sure it is weed-free.
Cover Crops
Many vineyards maintain a cover crop or ground cover year-round between the rows,
especially in mild climates where the ground cover can survive without supplemental irrig-
ation. In other vineyards, cover crops are planted in fall or spring and then mown or disced
into ground in late spring or early summer.
Cover crops have many benefits in addition to weed control.
→ They can control soil erosion, particularly in hillside vineyards.
→ They help with frost control.
→ They act as a mulch to retain soil moisture and to keep down dust.
→ They supply a natural source of nitrogen and other nutrients. They may also in-
crease the availability of nutrients.
→ They provide a habitat for beneficial insects.
→ They increase biological diversity in the top layers of soil, by encouraging earth-
worms and other beneficial soil-dwelling insects.
→ They improve soil structure and water-holding capacity, as well as improve drain-
age and prevent soil compaction.
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