HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
<style scoped>
The scoped attribute on a style element tells the browser
to apply the styles to the element that the <style scoped>
element is in, and its children. Thus, it is found inside elements
in the document's <body> rather than only in the <head> where
style elements have hitherto been confined. This allows for
highly localised styling right inside your HTML; for instance, an
<article> that contains a scoped style block can be syndicated
and retain its special styles.
However, no browser supports it yet.
Phew, that was quite a ride, wasn't it? You've seen a lot of new
structures, new elements, and quite a few changes to existing
elements. If you've studied our markup examples carefully, you
also know the favoured weaponry of fairies, so beware if you're
a goblin or an orc.
HTML5 allows us to mark up common website structures with
dedicated elements, rather than empty <div> or <span> elements.
However, these elements are still completely necessary parts of
the language. Just as with HTML 4, you should use these generic
containers when there are no more appropriate elements—but
now you have a larger arsenal of semantically more meaningful
elements to choose from. You've also seen that some of these
new elements have conceptually built-in roles to help assistive
technologies. However, while we're in this transitional period and
browser (and, more importantly, screen reader/assistive technol-
ogy) support for these built-in roles may still be lacking, you can
(validly and legally) add extra ARIA information.
It probably seems pretty complex, but take my word for it: as
you use these new constructs, they soon become much easier
to understand ... so get stuck in!
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