HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
The spec says it “represents a span of text with an unarticulated,
though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation, such as label-
ing the text as being a proper name in Chinese text (a Chinese
proper name mark), or labeling the text as being misspelt.”
Removed elements
Some elements you may know from HTML 4 have been made
completely obsolete in HTML5, such as <applet> (use <embed>
instead), <big> , <blink> , <center> , <font> , and <marquee> . They
will not validate and must not be used by authors. Frames are
gone (but <iframe> remains). Good riddance.
HTML5 browsers must still render these dear departed elements,
of course, as there are plenty of them still out there in the wild.
But you must avoid them as if they were tarantulas, zombies,
man-eating tigers, plutonium sandwiches, or Celine Dion songs.
Global attributes
There are several new global attributes, which can be added to
any element. They are covered in this section.
The accesskey attribute allows a developer to specify a key-
board shortcut that activates or focuses the element. It was
added to HTML 4 to promote accessibility. Because of discover-
ability problems, but primarily because most possible combina-
tions conflict with keystrokes in assistive technologies, it was
rarely used.
Because HTML5 is for web applications, and power users like
to use keyboard shortcuts, accesskey isn't removed from HTML5
and is now allowed on any element.
To p r e v e n t c l a s h e s w i t h To t h e r a p p l i c a t i To n s To r t h e b r To w s e r 's To w n
keyboard shortcuts, you can now specify a number of alterna-
tives in the accesskey attribute. The spec gives this example:
<input type=”search” name=”q” accesskey=”s 0”>
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