HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Redeined elements
HTML5 redefines the semantics of some existing elements as
well as adding new ones. Here are a few old friends: some have
radically changed, others have simply finessed their hairstyles.
As in HTML4, <address> is for contact details of the author, not
as a generic element for postal addresses.
What's new is that you can have multiple addresses in a docu-
ment, one inside each <article> . Author information associated
with an <article> element does not apply to nested <article>
elements, so a blog post in an <article> can have an <address>
for its author, and each blog comment (which you remember is a
nested <article> ) can have the <address> of its commenter.
Now we're all riders of the Information Superhighway, and we
probably use electronic methods to contact authors, so contact
details can be email address, postal address, or any others.
These can be marked up as a microformat, RDFa, or Microdata
if you wish ( Figure 2.23 ).
<a href="">
<img src=qr.png alt="">
Bruce Lawson, Remy Sharp</a>
Ta n g e n t i a l l y, f o r m a t t i n g a d d r e s s e s ( a l o n g w i t h a d d i n g l i n e
breaks to poetry, lyrics, and code samples) is one of the few rea-
sons remaining to use the <br> element:
123 Standards Boulevard<br>
FIguRE 2.23 An <address>
containing a QR code as
contact details.
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