HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Main Structure
Bruce Lawson
ALTHougH MucH oF the attention that HTML5 has
received revolves around the new APIs, there is a great
deal to interest markup monkeys as well as JavaScript
junkies. There are 30 new elements with new semantics
that can be used in traditional “static” pages. There is also
a swathe of new form controls that can abolish JavaScript
form validation altogether.
So, let's get our hands dirty. In this chapter, we'll transform
the current markup structure of <div> s into a semantic
system. New HTML5 structural elements like <nav> ,
<header> , <footer> , <aside> , and <article> designate specific
types of content. We'll look at how these work, and how
HTML5 documents have an unambiguous outline and
are—arguably—more “semantic.”
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