Game Development Reference
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ility. UTF-16 is a reasonably compact form and is typically used when storage or memory
space is not plentiful, yet it allows access to the full range of Unicode characters by using
16-bit code pairs. UTF-32 is suitable when memory space is not an issue, and fixed width,
single code access to characters is desired.
Allow subtitles to be easily turned on or off.
Not every player needs or likes having subtitles visible, provide an accessible way to turn
them off.
There are other considerations to take into account when developing a subtitle system.
Depending on the type of game it is possible that multiple subtitles may be sent for dis-
play (imagine the game's protagonist walking into a crowded bar). In this case we could
use a priority queue to process subtitles as they come in, the priority can be determined on
different criteria such as the distance to the speaker, the importance of the dialog, back-
ground chatter is less important than a main character addressing the player.
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