Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Let's begin by looking at how we will handle input. An item is a part of the listbox control
and will receive a HandleInput function call from the listbox's own HandleInput . What we
are looking to detect here is whether the mouse is presently hovering over the item, and
whether the item has been clicked, or selected.
void listboxitemtext::Update(float deltaTime)
if ( !m_visible ) return;
bool listboxitemtext::HandleInput(float deltaTime, const input::input_state& inputState)
if ( !m_visible )
return false;
auto mouse = inputState.GetMouse();
if ( mouse != nullptr )
math::rectangle rectangle = m_owner->Rectangle();
rectangle.Top() = m_rectangle.Top();
rectangle.Height() = m_size.y();
m_mouseOver = rectangle.Contains(mouse->GetPosition());
if ( m_mouseOver )
if ( m_inputDelay.IsDone() && mouse->ButtonPressed(input::mouse::eButton::Left) )
m_selected = !m_selected;
m_onSelected.Invoke(this, this);
return true;
return false;
As you probably noticed, we have a small helper countdown object m_inputDelay . When
matter how quick our mouse clicking might have been. To avoid multiple clicks from be-
ing handled each frame, whenever we detect a mouse click we will trigger this countdown
object, while the object is active no further mouse clicks will be handled.
and testing if the mouse coordinates are within this rectangle. If they are, we may set the
m_mouseOver flagtotrue,thiswillallowustohighlight items thatwearecurrently hover-
ingover.Furthermore, if m_mouseOver is true, andwe detect aleft mouse button click, we
will toggle the m_selected flag, and we will notify the user that a selection has occurred.
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