Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
An elemental grid is based upon a
Cartesian coordinate system of intersecting,
perpendicular axes (Fig. 4-18 ). It consists of
rectangular modules defined by a network
of horizontal and vertical lines.
Before any decision can be made
about the construction of the typographic
grid, the designer must first become
thoroughly acquainted with the amount of
text, its content, the audience for which it
is intended, and the medium used for its
delivery. A book, an exhibition, a website—
each requires special consideration. Though
the designer thoroughly grasps the material
to be organized, grid structures often require
adjustment throughout the design process.
Multicolumn grids possess unique
anatomical characteristics. These include
margins that provide boundaries for
typographic elements and define the active
space of the page; text columns; gutters that
separate text columns; and flow lines that
create a dominant axis for the alignment of
elements from page to page. The baseline grid
represents the baselines of the primary text,
which run from the top margin to the bottom
margin. These horizontal divisions of space
aid the designer in aligning text elements from
column to column (Fig. 4-19 ).
To structure type is to organize
typographic forms into a unified whole, and to
establish visual pathways between them. Two
columns or many columns can be employed
depending upon the complexity of the content.
Multilevel information, as found in most
typographic communication today, can be
translated into clear and accessible typographic
layouts (Fig. 4-20 ).
The type area within a grid is composed
of vertical columns. The width of text columns
and the intervals between them should
promote optimum legibility when required.
The size of type should be measured on the
column width to achieve the ideal number of
characters per line.
4-18 Horizontal lines
running along the
x-axis and vertical
lines running along the
y-axis are the elements
composing a basic grid.
4-19 The multicolumn
grid is a structure with
features specifically
suited to the physical
properties of typographic
Typographic Design:
Form and Communication
The whole duty of typography, as with calligraphy, is to
communicate to the imagination, without loss by the way,
the thought or image intended to be communicated by
the author. And the whole duty of beautiful typography
is not to substitute for the beauty or interest of the thing
thought and intended to be conveyed by the symbol,
a beauty or interest of its own, but, on the one hand,
to win access for that communication by the clearness
and beauty of the vehicle, and on the other hand, to take
advantage of every pause or stage in that communication
to interpose some characteristic & restful beauty in its own
art. We thus have a reason for the clearness and beauty
of the first and introductory page and of the title, and for
the especial beauty of the headings of chapters, capital or
initial letters, and so on, and an opening for the illustrator
as we shall see by and by.The whole duty of typography,
as with calligraphy, is to communicate to the imagination,
without loss by the way, the thought or image intended
to be communicated by the author. And the whole duty of
beautiful typography is not to substitute for the beauty or
interest in the thing thought and intended
text columns
baseline grid
flow line
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