Graphics Reference
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The amount of interline spacing is dependent upon several
factors. Generally, lines with no added space between them are read
more slowly than lines with added space. Proper interline spacing
carries the eye naturally from one line to the next. When there is
inadequate space between lines, the eye takes in other lines as well.
If lines are too widely spaced, a reader may have trouble locating the
next line. As column measure increases, the interline spacing should
also increase to maintain a proper ratio of column length to interline
Typefaces with larger x-heights need more interline spacing than
those with smaller x-heights. Also, when working with display types,
the frequency with which ascenders and descenders occur makes
a difference. They can optically lessen the amount of white space
between lines. Optical adjustments in display types should be made
when spaces between lines appear inconsistent because of ascenders
and descenders (Fig. 3-14 ). Generally, the maximum line length for
text type with a small x-height—used without interline spacing—is
about sixty-five characters. When text type with a large x-height is used
without interline spacing, legibility is diminished when line length
exceeds about fifty-two characters.
Research has shown that for the optimum sizes of text type (9, 10,
11, and 12 point), 1 to 4 points of interline spacing can be effectively
added between lines to increase legibility. Remember, this is not to say
that type set outside these optimum specifications will be illegible,
for critical judgment can ensure legible typography without inhibiting
fresh approaches.
When considering the legibility of a typeface, the thickness (weight)
of the strokes should be examined. A typeface that is too light or too
heavy has diminished legibility. Light typefaces cannot be easily
distinguished from their background, while a typeface that is too heavy
has a tendency to lose its internal pattern of counterforms.
Typefaces of median weight are most legible.
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