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Typographic hierarchy
Rachele Riley
University of the Arts
In this sophomore-level project that develops
an in-depth understanding of informational
hierarchy and composition, students built on
their knowledge of letterspacing, wordspacing,
linespacing, rags, and alignment. Students
were asked to research and choose content for
an event series related to contemporary dance,
music, or architecture.
Over the course of nine weeks, students
worked within a 7 x 7-inch format to explore
the possibilities for visual communication
with typographic hierarchy. In the first
exercise, students used only Univers 45 Light
at 10 point, experimenting with leading,
alignment, and negative space. Compositions
built in complexity as specific parameters
were introduced, explored, and analyzed
each week: alignment, weight, slant, scale,
extreme scale, texture, and image/series (Figs.
11- 35 to 11- 4 0 ). All compositions started with
thumbnail sketches, which were evaluated
before students were then asked to design
five compositions for each parameter. The
project culminated in a presentation book that
included the most successful composition
for each parameter and that demonstrated
the range of a student's exploration and
11-35 to 11-40 Designer: Anna Rising
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