Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
In typographic communication, visual
relationships are established through an
active dialogue between two fundamental
design principles: repetition and contrast.
Using these principles, the typographic
designer imbues messages with visual order
and rhythmic variety.
Musical structure is also based upon
repetition and contrast, and because it is
linear in nature, a quality that is also common
to typography, it provides an excellent model
for understanding basic typographic structure.
The primary structural pattern of music is
the three-part form of statement-departure-
return (ABA). The unifying components
(the two A 's) function as repetition, while
the middle component (the B ) functions as
contrast. Arnold Schoenberg observed that
“the principle function of form is to advance
our understanding. It is the organization of
a piece which helps the listener to keep the
idea in mind, to follow its development, its
growth, its elaboration, its fate.” This quote
also clarifies the mission of typographic
form, where relationships between visible
typographic elements are guided by the
dynamics of ABA form.
The viewer of typographic communication
perceives form relationships as being either
in opposition or in correspondence. This
principle suggests that a fully integrated
typographic composition depends upon the
successful blending of elements of contrast
and repetition. The viewer seeks a variety
that stimulates both eye and mind, while
structuring the communications experience.
This is the dual basis of ABA form.
5-59 Even though the functions of the small text
block and the photograph are unrelated, these
elements correspond to one another because of their
similar sizes.
5-60 Letters, when combined together as text,
provide a treasury of textural contrasts. Corresponding
textures reveal visual links between elements.
5-61 When typographic elements possess contrasting
tonal qualities, the eye perceives an implied three-
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