Information Technology Reference
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7. Cibran, M., Verheecke, B.: Dynamic Business Rules for Web Service Composition.
In: 2nd Dynamic Aspects Workshop (DAW 2005), pp. 13-18 (2005)
8. Courbis, C., Finkelstein, A.: Towards an Aspect Weaving BPEL Engine. In: The
Third AOSD Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure
Software (ACP4IS), Lancaster, UK, pp. 1-5 (2004)
9. Cooper, D., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S., Housley, R., Polk, W.: Internet X.509 Pub-
lic Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile,
10. Ewerth, R., Freisleben, B.: Semi-Supervised Learning for Semantic Video Retrieval.
In: Proc. of the 6th ACM Intl. Conf. on Image and Video Retrieval, pp. 154-161.
ACM, New York (2007)
11. Ewerth, R., Muhling, M., Freisleben, B.: Self-Supervised Learning of Face Appear-
ances in TV Casts and Movies. In: Proc. of the Eighth IEEE Intl. Symposium on
Multimedia, pp. 78-85. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos (2006)
12. Heinzl, S., Mathes, M., Friese, T., Smith, M., Freisleben, B.: Flex-SwA: Flexible
Exchange of Binary Data Based on SOAP Messages with Attachments (2006)
13. Joncheere, N., Deridder, D., Straeten, R., Jonckers, V.: A Framework for Advanced
Modularization and Data Flow in Workflow Systems. In: Proc. of the 6th Intl. Conf.
on Service-Oriented Computing, pp. 592-598. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)
14. Kiczales, G., Hilsdale, E., Hugunin, J., Kersten, M., Palm, J., Griswold, W.: An
Overview of AspectJ. In: Proc. of the 15th European Conf. on Object-Oriented
Programming, pp. 327-353 (2001)
15. Navarro, L., Sudholt, M., Vanderperren, W., De Fraine, B., Suvee, D.: Explicitly
Distributed AOP using AWED. In: Proc. of the 5th Intl. Conf. on Aspect-Oriented
Software Development, pp. 51-62. ACM, New York (2006)
16. Nishizawa, M., Chiba, S., Tatsubori, M.: Remote Pointcut: A Language Construct
for Distributed AOP. In: Proc. of the 3rd Intl. Conf. on Aspect-Oriented Software
Development, pp. 7-15. ACM, New York (2004)
17. PhysioNet: PhysioToolkit,
18. Suvee, D., Vanderperren, W., Jonckers, V.: JAsCo: An Aspect-Oriented Approach
Tailored for Component Based Software Development. In: Proc. of the 2nd Intl.
Conf. on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, pp. 21-29. ACM, New York
19. Tanter, E.: Expressive Scoping of Dynamically-Deployed Aspects. In: Proc. of the
7th Intl. Conf. on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, pp. 168-179. ACM, New
York (2008)
20. Transport Layer Security,
21. Verheecke, B., Cibran, M., Vanderperren, W., Suvee, D., Jonckers, V.: AOP for
Dynamic Configuration and Management of Web Services. Intl. Journal of Web
Services Research 1(3), 25-41 (2004)
22. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): W3C SOAP Specification,
23. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): Web Services Definition Language (WSDL)
24. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): XML Path Language (XPath), Version 1.0, ,
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