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For example, as shown in Fig. 2, the importance of John's social position changes
according to time.Before 2012.6, John was with his daughter and had not started his
intensive Paralympicstraining yet. In this case, during that period of time,
Position [ father ] surpasses Position [ athlete ] to be the foreground position of John's.
However, after 2012.6,John leaves home to take part in a national Paralympics
training camp in Beijing, and finally join the wheel fencingcompetition. During these
three months, John's social position as Position [ athlete ] is more important, and
hereby it replaces Position [ father ]to become his foreground position.
3 Bridging User Diversity and Service Diversity
In this section, we will explore how the service diversity will comply with the user
diversity, and will propose a set of i* -modeling scenarios to illustrate the propagation
of the users' diverse needs under the web service environment. We are in the belief
that the users' diverse requirements towards web services originate from the users'
social positions and their individual characters defined in its unique i*-Context. This
diversity will then propagate through the service selection and customization
processes, and will eventually lead to the variations in the choice of services and their
3.1 From User Diversity to Service Diversity
Fig. 3 shows how the user's own diversity will affect the service selection and
customization process. User's needs aremainly decided by the social positions that the
user occupies at the time, and it will then become the major concerns for service
selection; while the user's preferences are mostly beingaffected by the user's agent
attributes, and will further be used to customize the alternative services.
In the following two parts, we will use two particular scenarios to explain how
the user's social position will influence the service selection, and how the user's agent
attributes will affect the service customization process.
Fig. 3. Propagation Path from User Diversity to Service Diversity
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