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SS-S i
τ SSR is a timer used by SS-R j to process Refresh() messages
received from its senders.
Bottom-up fault management involves three major tasks: fault detection , fault
propagation , and fault reaction . The sequence diagram in Fig. 4 depicts the relation-
ship between these tasks:
Senders(SS-R j ).
Fig. 4. Sequence Diagram for Bottom-up Fault Management
Fault detection : SS-S i first detects faults that occurred in the attached WS i . SS-S i
does not need to detect physical and status change faults in WS i as these are im-
plicitly propagated to receivers if the latter do not receive Refresh() messages
from faulty senders. Participation refusal faults are communicated to SS-S i using
one of the techniques mentioned in Section 2.1. Policy changes in WS i may be
detected by SS-S i using various techniques. For instance, SS-S i may use XML
version control algorithms to detect changes in WS i policy specifications; another
solution is to provide an interface in SS-S i through which WS i provider submits
all policy changes; a third solution is to use the publish/subscribe model [3]
where SS-S i subscribes with WS i on policy changes. Due to space limitations,
details about the detection of participation refusals and policy changes are out of
the scope of this paper.
Fault propagation : SS-S i then propagates the fault detected in the previous phase
to SS-R j . We propose a soft-state protocol for fault propagation. Details about
this protocol are given in Section 3.
Fault Reaction : Finally, SS-Rj and/or CSj execute appropriate measures to react to
the fault. The techniques proposed in [12,7] can be extended for that purpose. In
[12], we use ECA (Event Condition Actions) to react to changes: the event part of
an ECA rule refers to change notifications; the action part allows for the specifica-
tion of change control policies; the use of conditions allows the specialization of
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