Information Technology Reference
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3. OMG: Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Version 2.0 (2010)
4. Reijers, H.A.: Process Design and Redesign. In: Dumas, M., van der Aalst, W., ter
Hofstede, A.H.M. (eds.) Process Aware Information Systems: Bridging People and Soft-
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5. Mayring, P.: Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Beltz, Weinheim (2003)
6. Srnka, K., Koeszegi, S.: From Words to Numbers: How to Transform Qualitative Data into
Meaningful Quantitative Results. Schmalenbach Business Review 59, 29-57 (2007)
7. Strijbos, J.-W., Martens, R.L., Prins, F.J., Jochems, W.M.G.: Content analysis: What are
they talking about? Computers & Education 46(1), 29-48 (2006)
8. Provalis Research,
9. Nastase, V., Koeszegi, S., Szpakowicz, S.: Content Analysis Through the Machine Learn-
ing Mill. Group Decision and Negotiation 16, 335-346 (2007)
10. Rinderle-Ma, S., Reichert, M., Jurisch, M.: Equivalence of Web Services in Process-
Aware Services. In: IEEE 7th International Conference on Web Services, pp. 501-508.
IEEE, Los Angeles (2009)
11. Derntl, M., Neumann, S., Griffiths, D., Oberhuemer, P.: ISURE - Report on usage and rec-
ommendations of specification for instructional model, ICOPER Deliverable D3.2 (2010)
12. Mendling, J., Recker, J., Reijers, H.A.: On the Usage of Labels and Icons in Business
Process Modeling. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design 1,
40-58 (2009)
13. Bellotti, V., Dalal, B., Good, N., Flynn, P., Bobrow, D.G., Ducheneaut, N.: What a To-Do:
Studies of Task Management Towards the Design of a Personal Task List Manager. In:
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp.
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14. Polyvyanyy, A., Smirnov, S., Weske, M.: The Triconnected Abstraction of Process Mod-
els. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Business Process Management,
pp. 229-244. Springer, Ulm (2009)
15. Bobrik, R., Reichert, M., Bauer, T.: View-based process visualization. In: Proceedings of
the 5th International Conference on Business Process Management, pp. 88-95. Springer,
Brisbane (2007)
16. Smirnov, S., Dijkman, R., Mendling, J., Weske, M.: Meronymy-Based Aggregation of Ac-
tivities in Business Process Models. In: Parsons, J., Saeki, M., Shoval, P., Woo, C., Wand,
Y. (eds.) ER 2010. LNCS, vol. 6412, pp. 1-14. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)
17. van der Aalst, W., ter Hofstede, A.H.M., Kiepuszewski, B., Barros, A.P.: Workflow pat-
terns. Distributed and Parallel Databases 14, 5-51 (2003)
18. van der Aalst, W., Reijers, H.A., Weijters, A., Dongen, B.F., Alves de Medeiros, A.K.,
Song, M., Verbeek, H.M.W.: Business process mining: An industrial application. Informa-
tion Systems 32, 713-732 (2007)
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