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BP model and the resulting OLC?; (ii) how can it be detected in the reachability
graph?; and (iii) how can the Petri net be re-constructed to fix the deadlock?
A prototype of the BP2OLC procedure has been implemented reusing the code
of ProM 6 , an open-source platform for process mining that counts on a number
of plugins and components to work with Petri nets. The developed prototype
corresponds to steps 2 and 3 of the BP2OLC procedure and also contains the
detection and handling of the data anomalies described above. It receives a Petri
net in format PNML 1.3.2. as input and returns the life cycle of the data object
represented in that net. The software is available upon request.
As future work, we plan to extend the kinds of BP structures considered, to
take data objects from repositories into account, and to study alternatives to
manage and repair the detected data anomalies in the source BP model.
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12. Decker, G., Overdick, H., Weske, M.: Oryx - an open modeling platform for the
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13. Sakr, S., Awad, A.: A framework for querying graph-based business process models.
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