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potential constraints that will in turn restrict the tuples that can be encoded.
Such a process prevents the development of unsatisfiable systems of constraints
and dependencies, since such set of constraints will never accept the introduction
of new tuples. Whereas usual dependency discovery approaches rely on extensive
data sets, this specific modus operandi is particularly adapted when engineering
information systems with no legacy data samples available, or when their re-
encoding would be too expensive. The application of this approach to different
case studies have proved that such intensive end-user involvement with inter-
active support is particularly fruitful and sustainable, while merely providing,
without support, significant amount of data samples is a particularly tedious and
time-consuming process, and in most situations, unrealistic. Besides, manipulat-
ing form-based interfaces to encode data samples leads to directly expressing
trivial constraints, while inducing further discussion and reflection on their un-
derlying conceptual schema. Though this approach relies on a set of pre-existing
form-based interfaces, its principles are easily generalisable to any given concep-
tual schema. Indeed, the constructs of the schema can first be transformed to
comply with the structures used in the RAINBOW approach [4]. Subsequently, a
set of form-based interfaces can then be generated from this transformed schema
[22], hence enabling the encoding of data samples and the application of the pro-
posed approach.
1. Rosson, M.B., Carroll, J.M.: Usability Engineering: Scenario-Based Development
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2. Ramdoyal, R., Cleve, A., Hainaut, J.-L.: Reverse engineering user interfaces for
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3. Codd, E.F.: A relational model of data for large shared data banks. Communica-
tions of the ACM 13(6), 377-387 (1970)
4. Hainaut, J.-L.: The transformational approach to database engineering. In: Lam-
mel, R., Saraiva, J., Visser, J. (eds.) GTTSE 2005. LNCS, vol. 4143, pp. 95-143.
Springer, Heidelberg (2006)
5. Ram, S.: Deriving functional dependencies from the entity-relationship model.
Communications of the ACM 38(9), 95-107 (1995)
6. Lopes, S., Petit, J.-M., Lakhal, L.: Functional and approximate dependency min-
ing: database and FCA points of view. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical
Artificial Intelligence (JETAI) 14(2-3), 93-114 (2002)
7. Yao, H., Hamilton, H.J.: Mining functional dependencies from data. Data Mining
and Knowledge Discovery 16(2), 197-219 (2008)
8. Huhtala, Y., Karkkainen, J., Porkka, P., Toivonen, H.: TANE : An ecient algo-
rithm for discovering functional and approximate dependencies. Computer Jour-
nal 42(2), 100-111 (1999)
9. Novelli, N., Cicchetti, R.: FUN: An ecient algorithm for mining functional and
embedded dependencies. In: Van den Bussche, J., Vianu, V. (eds.) ICDT 2001.
LNCS, vol. 1973, pp. 189-203. Springer, Heidelberg (2000)
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