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implementation of an integrated approach in which the aforementioned activities
could be fully automated.
5 Conclusions
This paper presents an innovative application of PBWD, that is, the product-
based design of monitoring processes in collaborative business networks. The
innovation brought about by this paper is twofold. On the one hand, given a col-
laborative scenario and available monitoring information, we propose a method-
ology to design from scratch a monitoring process that matches the process user's
requirements, in terms of cost, (data) quality, and availability of monitoring in-
formation. On the other hand, we discussed an architecture for implementing
the proposed methodology.
A first area of improvement for this work concerns the implementation of
the architecture reported in Fig. 5(a) and, specifically, the connections between
the implemented ProM's plugins and the service-oriented process execution en-
vironment. Future work will also concern the extension and refinement of the
product-based generation of monitoring processes. In particular, we plan to con-
sider additional non-functional dimensions, such as reputation, and more com-
plex utility functions for capturing the monitoring stakeholder requirements.
Constraints describing monitoring products can also become dependent on the
type of monitoring information and the type of stakeholder requiring it. Hence,
we want to investigate the issue of provider and user profiling for automatically
designing more customized monitoring processes. Also, while this paper consid-
ers the monitoring requirements for a stakeholder at the process level, we are
planning to consider also instance-level monitoring requirements, i.e., monitor-
ing requirements that can change with every different instance involving a given
stakeholder. Finally, from the modeling perspective, we want to investigate the
opportunity of specifying monitoring processes as choreographies, e.g. in BPMN
2.0, for capturing more complex dependencies among monitoring information.
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