Database Reference
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Now that everything's in place, here is the function that controls the process:
(defn main [data-files agent-count]
(let [agents (map agent (repeat agent-count {}))]
(map #(send %1 read-file-amounts %2)
(cycle agents)
(apply merge-with + (map force-val agents))))
And we can see this in action:
User=> (def data-files ["data/campaign-fin/pacs90.txt"
user=> (def contribs (main data-files 5))
user=> (contribs "|N00026349|")
user=> (contribs "|N00001845|")
How it works…
Except for force-val , all of the agent-related code is in main . Let's walk through the lines
that are of interest:
F We deine the number of agents that we want to use. Each agent is initialized to a
vector of zeroes of the same length as the number of ields:
(let [agents (map agent (repeat agent-count {}))]
F Next, after reading the input CSV ile to a sequence of maps and partitioning them
into chunks of equal size, we send each agent the read-file-amounts function.
We cycle through the agents until all of the iles are assigned to an agent:
(map #(send %1 read-file-amounts %2)
(cycle agents)
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