Database Reference
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How to do it…
We'll follow the same worklow as we did in the last recipe: write a handler, add a route,
and write the client-side ClojureScript. To do this, perform the following steps:
The handler will return a D3 page, complete with the code to create the DIV and
SVG elements and to call the ClojureScript function that we'll deine in a minute:
(defn bar-chart []
(d3-page "Bar Chart"
[:div#barchart.chart [:svg]]))
Next, we'll add the routes for this chart:
(GET "/barchart" [] (bar-chart))
(GET "/barchart/data.json" []
(redirect "/data/chick-weight.json"))
(route/resources "/")
(route/not-found "Page not found"))
Now, we'll create the ClojureScript. Create a src-cljs/webviz/barchart.cljs
ile and add this namespace declaration:
(ns webviz.barchart
(:require [webviz.core :as webviz]))
We'll convert the data into two categories of the Group and Point data structures
that NVD3 expects. For the irst category, get-diet-counts expects a hash table
that associates a diet code with the items from the dataset that have this diet code.
The y value for the point is the count of those items:
(defn count-point [pair]
(let [[diet items] pair]
(webviz/Point. diet (count items) 1)))
(defn get-diet-counts [diet-groups]
(apply array (map count-point diet-groups)))
We'll add a pair of functions for the other category. The y value for these points will be
the sum of the weights, as shown here:
(defn sum-by [key-fn coll]
(reduce + 0 (map key-fn coll)))
(defn weight-point [pair]
(let [[diet items] pair
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