Database Reference
In-Depth Information
There's moreā€¦
F ClojureScript ships with the Google Closure library. It's a fully-featured library,
and it's there, so you might as well use it. You can learn more about it at .
F For more information about the coniguration options available, see
project.clj .
F The home page for Screen is ( ).
The best tutorial I've found for this is at
story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 .
F If you're interested in using tmux, the best tutorial I've found is http://blog. . Another
good tutorial is available at
split-terminal-windows-easily .
Creating scatter plots with NVD3
If you've been following along from the previous recipes in this chapter, you'll now have a
complete web application stack ready, and you can use it to create charts and graphs for
the Web.
For this recipe, we'll create a scatter plot of the US census racial data that we saw in
Chapter 6 , Workin with Incanter DataSets , in the Grouping data with $group-by recipe.
In fact, this will be the same recipe as we saw in Chapter 10 , Working with Unstructured
and Textual Data , only this time we'll create a web page.
To do this, we'll use the D3 JavaScript library ( ). D3 stands for
Data-Driven Documents, and this library makes it easy to load data and create HTML
and SVG structures from data. You can use it to transform data into tables or charts. It is
pretty low-level though. With D3, we will create many of the actual elements. We'll do this
in a later recipe, but for now, we'll use the NVD3 library ( ), which
is a collection of prebuilt charts. We can set a few parameters, pass them our data, and
immediately get a great looking chart back out.
Getting ready
We'll again build on the previous recipes in this chapter, so make sure you have the
environment and web application described in the Setting up to use ClojureScript
recipe running.
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