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How to do it...
The LaTeX string that we want to add is fairly simple, and it gives us a good taste of what the
syntax for this notation is:
We bind the LaTeX string to inv-log :
(def inv-log "f(x)=\\frac{1.0}{\\log x}")
We apply that to a chart using the incanter.latex/add-latex-subtitle
(latex/add-latex-subtitle f-plot inv-log)
The chart relects the change immediately, as shown in the following screenshot:
There's more...
Full information about LaTeX and its math notation is beyond the scope of this recipe.
The website for LaTeX is . The LaTeX wikibook has
a good chapter on typesetting mathematical equations, at
wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics , and The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX 2ε ( http:// ) is another good resource for learning LaTeX,
including the math syntax.
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