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How to do it…
For this recipe, we'll get the Clojuratica library, incorporate it into our project, and place the
dependencies where they should be:
To begin with, we'll install Clojuratica. Download the library from https://github.
com/stuarthalloway/Clojuratica/archive/ . Unzip it inside
your project directory. Then, change to that directory and build the JAR ile, as follows:
$ cd Clojuratica/
$ ant jar
Total time: 0 seconds
We'll also need to install this JAR ile so that Maven (and Leiningen) can ind it. This
command will take care of that:
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./clojuratica.jar \
-DartifactId=clojuratica -Dversion=2.0 \
-DgroupId=local.repo -Dpackaging=jar
Now, we'll add the Clojuratica source code to our project. In our Leiningen project.
clj ile, add the following line of code:
:source-paths ["src" "Clojuratica/src/clj"]
In a Mathematica notebook, evaluate $Path to see the list of places where
Mathematica looks for code to load automatically. Pick one to copy some iles into.
It shouldn't matter which you choose, except you probably want to use a directory
under your home directory, not in the Mathematica installation directory. I'll use ~/
Library/Mathematica/Autoload . A good choice of directory for Linux might be
~/.Mathematica/Autoload .
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