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Combining function calls with reducers
Clojure 1.5 introduced the clojure.core.reducers library. This library provides a lot
of interesting and exciting features. It allows you to compose multiple calls to map and other
sequence-processing, high-order functions. This also makes it possible to abstract map and
other functions for different types of collections while maintaining the collection type.
Looking at the following chart, initial operations on individual data items such as map and
filter operate on items of the original dataset. Then, the outputs of the operations on the
items are combined using a reduce function. Finally, the outputs of the reduction step are
progressively combined until the inal result is produced. This might involve a reduce-type
operation (such as addition), or an accumulation (such as the into function).
In this recipe, we'll take a look at how we can use reducers to minimize the number of
sequences that Clojure creates and immediately throws away.
Getting ready
The primary dependency that we'll need for this is the reducers library, but we'll also use
the clojure.string library:
(require '[clojure.string :as str]
'[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
How to do it…
To illustrate this feature of reducers, we'll take a sequence of words and run them through
a series of transformations. We'll take a look at how Clojure handles these both with and
without the reducers library.
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